Get to Know Denis Grady And More!

His Awards

Unity Award for Best Country Gospel Song of the Year 2001 (Woman at the Well) distributed by the Catholic Music Awards hosted by United Catholic Music and Video Association in Washington, D.C.; Best Country Gospel Song and Album of the Year 2000 - Alberta for Running Too Long; Recording Industry Association of Alberta's Gospel Musician of the Year 1999.

In his own words

"I truly feel that there is a huge responsibility doing Gospel music," says Grady, who has toured Canada, the United States and Europe in recent years. "There is a lot of work to be done in sending out a message of hope and promise to counter the confusion that seems rampant in the world. My deepest belief is that God generously makes His wisdom available to all people. The beauty of this wisdom is the amazing peace it brings." In his journey as a Christian, Grady came to believe in God's promises to restore brokenness and offer strength in weakness. As he did so, he gained confidence in going forth into the world with his music. "It is a wonderful vocation to sing for God and to minister to the Body of Christ," says Grady, whose music and performances cross all denominations. "Why the Father would choose a lowly vessel as myself is simply testament to His rich mercy." With that sincerity, it is apparent why Grady's able to perform and be welcomed in front of Protestant, evangelical Christian and Roman Catholic audiences, as well as in secular venues.

Grady's Journey

Grady's journey is one which he doesn't mind talking about and one whose example, he hopes will help others find the joy and peace that characterizes his life today.While regularly performing on the concert circuit in Canada and the U.S., Grady is just as often found playing prisons, soup kitchens and Alzheimer's wards as auditoriums and church halls. "The more I read Scripture, the more I understand about God's love and compassion for the poor," he says. "He had an amazing love for the poor, broken and lost. They were his friends. God wants us to go out and love like Jesus. Our responsibility is not to judge, but to befriend and at the same time we can boast in Christ and stand up for what we believe in.

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"Denis and his band are easy to work with. They know how to fit into your program. Their music crosses demographical lines and communicates to the un-churched. It’s quite evident that Denis loves the Lord, it shows on his face and in his conversation."
Pastor Jim Marshall | First Church of the Nazarene, Calgary, Canada

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